Comics I Love: Noisome (Possibly 18+)

Website: Creator: tatouji – Facebook Patreon: Noisome is just getting started but it’s pretty interesting so far. It’s available in both English and Spanish. Coen is a psychiatrist who gets too wrapped up in his patients. Noi is a writer with psychological issues, namely that he can’t stand being around most Continue reading Comics I Love: Noisome (Possibly 18+)

Comics I Love: Victim. Gate of Spirits (18+)

Website: Creator: Lina and Corey Patreon: I know the title implies it, but I FUCKING LOVE THIS COMIC. Victim. Gate of Spirits is a fantasy comic set in a world where magical creatures roam the swamps. Unfortunately, most of those creatures are dangerous. Ivo’s swamp village is under attack by Continue reading Comics I Love: Victim. Gate of Spirits (18+)

Comics I Love: Avialae (18+)

Website: Creator: Lucid – Tumblr, Twitter, DeviantArt Store: Patreon: In preparation for the LGBTQ Webcomics panel I’m running at Anime North this year, I started trawling through some of my favorite webcomics. Those comics led me to other comics, and it was pretty much a whole day lost in reading Continue reading Comics I Love: Avialae (18+)