Movies I’m Looking Forward To: April/May 2016 Edition

Okay, so I’m a bit of a movie fan. I may have recently bought a second DVD shelf because I filled the one that fits 300-ish DVDs and then mostly filled the new one as I reorganized my DVDs. (I need more shelves!) So, for those of you who are like me and love to hit the movies, here’s a few things I’m looking forward to.

Keanu – Out Today!


I can’t wait to see this! Hopefully, I’ll have a chance in the midst of everything that’s going on this weekend. Keanu is a new edition in the list of Comedy Central gold that’s spun out of Key & Peele. If you haven’t watched the show, it’s on Hulu. Apparently, they used seven different shelter kittens that they trained to do all the stunts in the movie. The kittens, of course, have all been adopted out by now. If you want some laughs and cute kitten(s), check this one out.

Captain America: Civil War – May 6

This is a movie I’ve been both looking forward to and dreading. I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe but I HATE the Civil War storyline from the comics. Despise it. The full extent of my loathing cannot be put into words. I like that they’ve very obviously deviated from the shit-show that was the comic story, so instead of fighting over whether superheroes should publicly reveal their identities, they’re fighting over governmental oversight. Similar, but different enough for me. So excited to see Spiderman cameoing since he was a part of the original storyline, and seriously, what are the Avengers without Spiderman (and cameos from X-Men but my hope doesn’t stretch that far). I will likely have strong feelings once I see this one.

Alice Through the Looking Glass – May 27

The first movie had mixed reviews, but I liked it, so I’m looking forward to the sequel. I love the outlandish style that Tim Burton uses for these movies and the cast is fantastic. At the very least, this movie promises to be a pretty diversion.

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